Friday, August 20, 2010

Treatment for scars from scratches, acne, and spots on my skin? ?

When I was a kid I would get in little cat fights with siblings that would cause scratches on my face, now I have noticeable scars on my face, along with acne scars, and spots. What cream/medicine would you recommend to get clearer skin in this situation? thanksTreatment for scars from scratches, acne, and spots on my skin? ?
try and find Bio Oil at your local shops. Its so good for helping to heal scars.Treatment for scars from scratches, acne, and spots on my skin? ?
ask your doctor about mederma for the scars
For acne, I'd rather suggest Proactiv. I've been using it for a while and it's really helped.

For blemishes and such, there is a certain fashwashing soap containing tree oil at The Body Shop. Recommanded by a friend whose been using it for a while and thinks it works great.

Sadly, I'm not sure what you can use to make scars go away. =/
mederma is made for scars, im not sure if it works but its a try

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