Monday, August 23, 2010

Acne question, spot treatment? worth it?

so i have a little bit of acne. but not a lot of it. but i have been using spot treatment, and i was wondering if i just don't out that on my zits, and not even fiddle with them, will they just go away faster? all i do is proactiv and water. Acne question, spot treatment? worth it?
I don't find the spot creams and stuff really do that much. Every spot has different bacteria so how can they develop something that can get rid of billions of different bacteria and works really well?

The best thing to do would be to use a good exfoliator 2-3 times a week and cleanse and moisturise twice a day avoiding the worse patches when you cleanse and moisturise. You shouldnt pick/ squeeze them and should avoid touching them untill they go away. After they've gone, try not to touch your face with dirty hands. I always keep the anti bacteria stuff what they use in hospitals so im not rubbing muck into myskin.Acne question, spot treatment? worth it?
It depends on your skin type, like i can use anything and it clears my acne up. So, just wash your face twice a day and you should be ok (:

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