Monday, August 23, 2010

Any acne treatments out there like Proactiv?

I would like to have the proactiv acne treatments, but the problem is I can't afford it! How do these people think college students can pay for this stuff?! lol I just like to know if there is any ';cheaper'; solution just like it...and works!Any acne treatments out there like Proactiv?
Proactiv doesn't work for everyone, it defiantly didn't work for me. Look for any other 3-step system, many brands are offering them now. You should get a wash, toner, moisturizer, and if you need it, a spot treatment. I use Neutrogena's oil-free skin clearning products, they also offer skin-clearing makeup and concealer. Clinique also has a 3-step system that is pretty effective, but I think it is expensive. Also Clearasil and Almay offer 3-step systems. Just look around your local drugstore or wal-mart and find what works for you.Any acne treatments out there like Proactiv?
Even if you could afford it u shouldn't use it. That stuff is crack for your face. I have family members and friends that have used it and it works really well while you are using it. But once your money runs out or you just stop taking it then you face go through with drawl. You break out ten times worse then what you started with. That is why they say on the tv that ';I have used Proactiv for 6 years'; now they really can't stop. Hope that helps u to understand how lucky you were to not be able to afford it.
Try Acne Free. You can get it at Walmart or any drug store and it is very reasonably priced. I used it when I was pregnant and my hormones were all messed up, causing me to break out. It works great, and you see results in just a couple of days :)
My steps were given to me by a doctor.

1.Wash your pillow case that you sleep on atleast twice a week.

2.Drink at least 3 litres of water a day.

3.Engage in heavy exersize 3 to 4 times a week to sweat out your pores, wash sweat off with plain water and soap only.

4.Dont touch your face during the day.

5.Wash your face with a very mild soap only such as baby soap read the ingredients and make sure it doesnt contain anything to make it smell like flowers this agrivates the skin. Wash gently and pat dry with a towel.

6.Drink black tea not green, black tea is fermented and contains the antioxidants needed to clean your liver try to consume two cups a day without sugar or milk.

7.Sleep laying on your back so you dont cover your face.

8.Dont use scrubs they only agrivate your skin, plain baby soap three times a day morning miday and before bed.

9.Try to keep out of the sun.

10.Last one is to remove the acne causing testosterone out of your body and theres one way to do that!! if you are a guy i suppose.

Do this and you shuold see improvments within a couple of weeks. Just as i did
Actually you dont need proactiv, i mean acne is mostly from genetics, sweat, and make up. So you just need to wash it day and night or at least a couple times a week and use Oxy acne wash, the cleansing pads, and the lotion vanishing acne or the spot treatment and it should only come out to be like $20-$30 bucks as of proactiv is sometimes $100's
Mary Kay's Blemish Control Toner, and Acne Control Face Wash, plus Acne Moisturizer it comes in a back and its not that expensive you can get anywhere at sears, bay, etc...probably not at wal*mart or whatever that is
I have not found any other product to work as well as Proactiv, even stuff that is MORE expensive. There is a product sold at drugstores that tries to imitate it but it doesn't work as well. If you live near a mall that has a Proactiv kiosk you can buy the products separately. I often use the repairing lotion on it's own without the Proactiv brand cleanser an toner. That might save you a little money.
Go to your nearest drug store %26amp; ask the cashier for some less-costly alternatives :]]
i know a homemade thing you can do that'll help, my cousin used to do it all the time.

take vinegar and brown suger and mix them. than add 2 tsp of milk. then dab it all over your face, keep doing this for at least 7 days. the acne should clear up in about a week, but if it doesn't, just keep trying it.

i definitely recommend it, it worked wonders for my cousin.

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