Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Any good facial treatment or cream for the scars and traces acne leaves behind??

I have had acne but is gone now but it leaves these dark small spots on your face which is hard to get rid of. I just tried dermabrasion not long ago but it's a bit expensive and I need to keep going for apointments, I wanna try something else.Any good facial treatment or cream for the scars and traces acne leaves behind??
Strivectin----the face cream is $185.oo but lasts for months-I use the eye cream $59.00 for the face also -lasts about 2-3mos --for very little is needed. it helps with acne damage for it makes collagen so it fills in the areas that are pitted-like scars from acne For the dark spots get a good Skin Lightening cream -also try the one for dark spots.circles from Strivectin---you can buy only from better Department stores-Macys,Bloomingdales ,Parisian and the such..The skin lightening cream gotten by prescription from a dermatologist would be much more effective than the over the counter but since insurance does not cover may be expensive but do keep in mind that very little neded so lasts a long time.For permanent and I believe a onetime process check into laser-although also expensive does not require several treatments and I would think less painful than dermabrasionAny good facial treatment or cream for the scars and traces acne leaves behind??
you need either alpha hydroxy acid or beta hydroxy acid. as horrible as they sound they usualy come in a lotion and cause the skin to slough off dead skin cells so your skin looks better.

go to cosmeticscop.com. paula begoun wrote a book about skin products and the site will give you all the info you need for your skin problem and what each one will do for you. she also has an excellent line of not-over-priced products for your skin.

go there soon, because she is offering $3 shippin til the end of october.
I had acne as bad as you can get it as a teen, and now I have flawless skin. What you have to do is wear sunscreen ALL the time- They will fade over time if they have zero exposure to the sun. Don't try and scrape them off with dermabrasion, they are part of your skin. Your skin will change, believe me, and y ou will appreciate it much more than anyone who never had acne. Better days are comin'!
i know from experience that maderma for kids works pretty well, or you can try acne wash even if you dont have any. it gets rid of the scars from pimples.

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