Monday, August 23, 2010

Acne question about spot treatment?

I have two Products, Both Clean and Clear. Advantage spot treatment with Salicylic acid. or Persa-Gel-10 with Bezoyl peroxide. Now the thing is i been using the Persa-gel for about 3 or 4days and my spots have gotten Alot smaller but they look like red dots. SO should i use bezoyl peroxide or will that make it more red or should i use Salicylic acid??Acne question about spot treatment?
salicylic acid makes your face dry out a lot and will definitely make it more red

answer mine?;鈥?/a>Acne question about spot treatment?
wash your face with a hot towel and a facial cleanser that contains NO SOAP. soap can clog your pores. and use witch hazel after each wash. and fro the dark spots use a skin bleacher and apply sunblock to your face daily. to keep them from getting any darker
I recommend using herbal cream like Zenmed Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment:鈥?/a>

You can expect great results quickly and easily :-)
  • makeup brush
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