Monday, August 23, 2010

Got Acne! Need Efficient Treatment?

I used to be so embarrassed about all my pimples that I had no social life at all. Nada! I could hardly even make myself go to work, and I didn't have any friends there. I imagined that people must be making fun of me, even if they weren't. I have tried various so called cures but no results whatsoever.

Does anyone know a good treatment for acne.

ThanksGot Acne! Need Efficient Treatment?
I went to the same trouble last year with my wife. We tested many so called acne treatments and neither provided results. We recommend you Acnezine and if want to get more informed take a look here These guys have great advicesGot Acne! Need Efficient Treatment?
I have severe acne and scar easily too. So I feel your pain. I found this website, and they have essential oil blends that they tell you how and what to mix it with to help heal your acne. That one is oily on your face, but it really works! And the other one is in the free recipe section to help get rid of acne scars. That one really works, but you don't see the results over night... you have to be patient. It worked on me, and my face was pretty bad. On that same page, they also have acne mask.
it comes from the inside and u r treating it via the outside. see a dermatologist for some tetracycline and some topical meds
Visit a dermatologist and see what s/he has to offer. I had bad acne for 10 years and serious acne for 15 more. In those years I used every treatment, and some worked better than others.

Finally, the doctor put me on Accutane, which cleared it up. Between first pill and clearing up, though, it got worse because every clogged pore opened up to the surface and all the ';knots'; rose. My skin got so dry that my lips started to chap. I'm now a chapstick addict, but that's a small price to pay for clear skin.

It's hard to tell how old you are, and most people's skin clears as they get older. (My family just is acne-prone even as adults.) If you're young, this imagining may be adolescent self-consciousness. While there are a few people whose skin is so bad that everyone notices it all the time, most acne sufferers don't have it that bad and they notice more than anyone else.
I used to have acne too but I went to dermatologist and he perscribed acutane. What it is basically is very high doses of vitamine A which dry up your pores. They are only given by prescription because they can cause pretty bad side effect mostly if you're a girl because of potential birth defects. That's why they put you on birth control pills. Anyway, these pills are miracle pills they completely eliminated all the pimples and scares I had. I had baby smooth skin. I could cover my face in grease and sleep on it and I wouldn't get a breakout. Some bad side effects was I had really dry skin for a while and it tends to higher your cholesterol levels but this is only a temporary side effect. Ask your doctor about it.
try ayurveda soap medicare works a treat
proactive cause jessica simpsons hot and has a clean face

its like 20 bucks for a package
I agree with Tom Acnezine it's truly an effective acne treatment. I used with succes for 4 months now. You can read more on acne and acnezine at
Nelson's Acne Gel for drying up pimples and Nelson's Tea Tree Cream for gettign rid of redness and skin bumps. Each is $5.95 at your local Health Food Store (this is an all natural British brand). I read about it in In Style magazine and decided to try it. It's great!!!

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