Friday, August 20, 2010

Treatment for Acne Scars.

Last November I had a giant zit on my forhead. I picked it and now it is a scar. Not only that, it's popped out! I tried sqeezing it and nothing came out. It's black but when it gets wet it turns white. Any thoughts on what this might be or how to cure it?Treatment for Acne Scars.
dunno. try mederma.Treatment for Acne Scars.
applying lemon juice with a cotton ball to affected area. or mix cinnamon and honey and dab on the scar before you go to bed. tomato juice also helps. or mix vinegar and corn starch to make a paste and apply it to your entire forehead. leave on for 30 mins then wash off with warm water.

if none of these help, go see a dermatologist.

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