Monday, August 23, 2010

Laser treatment for acne...........?

If you have moderate to severe acne scars, how many treatments would it take for your skin to improve a lot and around how much does each treatment cost? Thanks!Laser treatment for acne...........?
I have used this highly informative information and it worked for me in getting rid of my pesky acne. And you don't need to buy expensive acne cream either!鈥?/a>Laser treatment for acne...........?
You don't need to resort to any risky chemical or surgical expensive procedures. This is a safe, simple, natural, low cost treatment that really works and has been selected as 5 star Best Answer by Asker who reported was getting results after three days. Vitamin E capsules are a very effective cure but you have to APPLY CAPSULE CONTENTS DIRECTLY TO THE SKIN. I know for a fact that when someone has face surgery or a face lift the doctor tells patient to do precisely this to hasten healing and minimize scarring. Also another very effective treatment is using an organic or natural nut or coconut oil to massage face with quite a strong, vigorous motion - that part is important - once a day (best at night as will make face flushed). You will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress. Skin is always renewing, the vigorous massaging hastens a spot and blemish free new skin to emerge overtime. Initially, the skin has to adjust and if soreness or other reactions happen - the skin might expel poisons that need to be expelled - then stop and resume when you can. You have to find the pace that works for you - it's different for every person. Stick with it %26amp; in a week or so you will see an improvement and overtime you will have a completely spot free, clear and healthy skin. Some have used this treatment and have found it permanently rids skin of pimples and all other kinds of skin problems. It also dramatically minimises any wrinkles or other signs of skin aging.


Over 20 years research into natural treatments of skin, hair and scalp disorders
You didn't say where you are from. Each treatment can differ depending on what kind and where you are getting the treatment done.

As you did not post enough information, I can't research for an answer for you. However, you may wish to check out this site which has articles submitted by various acne sites and may just contain the information that you need鈥?/a>

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