Friday, August 20, 2010

Whats the best treatment for acne??

First Q is how old are u and of course male or female and which nationality u have?

-The acne treatment depends on what kind of acne u have...we have many differen treatment for therm...

-First Step is avoid sun shine...u can use some protection cream which has the SPF over than 25%...then if u are a smoker have to decrease the number of them....decrease the fat food u take( food.chips...)....drink enough water (more than 2 lits a day)....wash ur face with no bacter soap(at least twice a day)...if u are a girl dont use bad brand of make up stuff and wash ur make up as soon as possible(even if u use removal cream ).....if u start any mild sport like areobic or even jogging it will make ur skin better....take good nutrition and vegetable....

-secound we have some locolize solution ...they are antibactrial like erythromycin 1% and ....u can use them once every 2 nights on ur acnes(avoid 2 cm around ur eyes and 2 cm around ur mouth including ur nasolabial lines)....

-third u can use systemic antibiotics like tetracyclin or doxi by the order of ur G.P or dermatologist....

-if non of them work or u have cystic acne with scar u have to use a drug calls Actane its full of Vit A , it has his own order and u just can have it by a dermatolog ...

-we have some other treatments like Microdermabration(its usefull for black spots),pilling(deep and superficial) for make the acne and the scar of them goes....

its better if u visit a dermatologist.

Good Luck

P.S:proactive is just a comercial brand ...not very usefulWhats the best treatment for acne??
Toothpaste!Whats the best treatment for acne??
proactive is good i think...both my sisters faces are clear.good luck
Try the followin tips i found for u .do not use chemicals on skin. Follow these instructions and do let me know if they worked on your skin. i'm sure they will!

1. Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.

2. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne.

3. Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

4. Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.

5. Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.

6. Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water.

7. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, %26amp; other skin infections.

8. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should include a healthy diet.

9. A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day. One of the smellier acne home remedies!

10. Home face wash for acne: Mix together 1 or 2mls each of the following: witch hazel, tea-tree and sweet fennel essential oils, adding essential oil of geranium for women and essential oil of rosewood for men. Mix with 300mls of water. Shake before use, as the oils will float on top of the water during storage. Dab affected areas with cotton wool two or three times a day. The oils will clean and unclog giving antibiotic-like protection to the skin.

11. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.

12. Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.

13. Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. One of the best acne home remedies.

14. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day.

15. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.

16. Nettle Tea is another solution, this tea has a herb that has some curing power and really helps work wonders on skin problems. Drink four cups a day to get the full benefit of one of the most powerful acne home remedies. Get nettle products here.

17. Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly speed up the healing of acne lesions. You can buy Aloe Vera at

18. Another lotion that uses bee propolis extract may also be effective. Mix eight ounces of water and 11 drops of bee propolis extract. One of the acne home remedies which has been proven effective with many people.

19. Some herbal acne home remedies...

Burdock leaf tea.

Lavender essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

Tincture of calendula flowers.

Tea tree essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

Liquefy cabbage leaves with witch hazel, strain and add two drops of lemon oil. Use as a lotion.

20. Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

21. Take vitamin B5 and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to acne.

22. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

23. Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a face towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.

24. Blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and prevents acne.

25. Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. Let is dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.

26. Mix sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply on the face. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

27. Essential oil face mask for acne: Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste. Essential oils to add in the mask either separately or try smaller amounts together; cypress oil 1 drop, lemon oil 2 drops, sage oil 1 drop.

28. Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply of affected area. An eastern approach to acne home remedies.

29. Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. Pimples disappear like magic without leaving a mark.

30. Make a mixture of lime juice and rose water. Apply on face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

31. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

32. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

33. Mix 1 tsps groundnut oil with 1 tspn fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

34. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.

35. First wash face and then dab acne with cotton balls soaked in vinegar.

36. Mix groundnut oil with an equal amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, acne and pimples.

37. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling acne, pimples.

38. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for acne, pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.

39. Apply ripe Tomatoes pulp on acne, pimples and kept upto 1 hour, then wash.

40. Make a paste of roasted %26amp; powdered pomgranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over acne, boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.

41. Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.

42. Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

43. Apply a paste of ground seasame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.

44. Large pores on facial skin can be treated with paste of sandalwood powder with masoor dal.

45. Use an oatmeal or almond mask throughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. This is very good in getting rid of blackheads.

46. A solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal remedy for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Pat on an astrigent.

47. Honey is a great remedy for skin blemishes and acne because the honey kills bacteria.

These are some effective home remedies for the treatment of acne and blackheads.
wash and lotion on a regular basis
Acne is a common skin problem of people in their teens and twenties. It develops in the oil-producing structures of the skin called pilosebaceous follicles, which are present in large quantities on the face, chest, shoulders and upper back.Each follicle consists of a hair follicle and a sebeceous gland. The glands secrete an oily mixture called sebum, which normally passes through the hair follicle to the skin surface. Acne occurs when the normal route of sebum to the skin surface is blocked by dead skin cells, bacteria hormones and extra oil. The obstruction leads to swelling and the development of blackheads, whiteheads, or tender red lumps. Emotional stress, fatigue, humidity and cosmetics may aggravate acne.

Hair follicles normally secrete oil called ';sebum'; which travels up the tiny hair follicles to the skins pores where it lubricates and protects the skin. Sometimes there are overworked oil glands which enlarge and produce too much sebum which can get trapped in the hair follicle. Clogged pores which are either called blackheads or whiteheads, allow bacteria overgrowth of Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria further inflames the hair follicle and surrounding skin resulting in acne. In severe acne cases lesions become red and inflamed and may be filled with puss. Sometimes this acne can extend deep into the skin and form nodules or cysts. This severe form is called cystic acne and can be painful and cause scarring.

Good skin care plays an important role in treating acne. In general it is best to try the following:

Keep hands off the fact and avoid squeezing the pimples, as this can spread infection and cause permanent scarring. With medical treatment, removing lesions is rarely necessary; however, when comedo removal is needed, it should be performed by an experienced healthcare professional.

Avoid the use of oily cosmetics, moisturizers, and creams. If you wear makeup, look for those with a water base. Remove makeup at night. When buying cosmetics and other products that you will use on your skin or hair, be sure to look for ones labeled “noncomedogenic.” Makeup, sunscreen and toiletries that are not likely to cause acne state that they are “noncomedogenic” on the product.

Eat a balanced diet. In general, it is no longer felt that dietary products have any influence on acne. Chocolate, caffeine or fats are not statistically related to causing acne based on overall studies. There may be some individual differences in that certain foods do flare up acne lesions and if you determine that you are sensitive to something, discontinuing that food is the wisest course of action.

Washing the skin once or twice a day is usually sufficient to remove surface oil, dead skin and dirt, and to keep the skin moderately dry. Do not scrub the skin. Some people with acne may try to stop outbreaks and oil production by scrubbing their skin and using strong detergent soaps and rough scrub pads. However, scrubbing will not improve acne; in fact, it can make the problem worse. There are a variety of soaps that may achieve a moderately dry condition better than others - ask your health care provider for recommendations. Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, and vigorous washing and scrubbing will not clear your skin. In fact, all that scrubbing can irritate your skin and make acne worse. The way to clear acne is with appropriate acne products and good skin care.

Oily hair, sporting equipment that rubs against your skin and airborne grease—all can irritate and make your acne worse. Ways you can avoid these situations include: If you have oily hair, keep it off your face and wash it daily; Avoid using hair care products that contain oil, such as pomades and gels; Wear cotton clothing or moleskin under sporting equipment to avoid skin-to-equipment contact.

Avoid excess exposure to sunlight, and do not use tanning booths or sun lamps.Contrary to popular belief, tanning does not clear acne; it simply masks acne. Tanning also increases one’s risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers. Additionally, some acne treatments can increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight and ultraviolet light from tanning booths and sun lamps. If you have acne, it is important to protect your skin by following sun-protection practices, such as wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunburns.

Shave with care, those who shave and who have acne can test both electric and safety razors to see which is more comfortable. Guys who use a safety razor should use a sharp blade and soften their beard thoroughly with soap and water before applying shaving cream. Nicking blemishes can be avoided by shaving lightly and only when necessary.

Acne is treated by trying to control the growth of bacteria and slow down the activity of the oil glands in the skin. Your doctor may prescribe topical antibiotic preparations containing clindamycin or erythromycin which help kill acne bacteria. Remember that they do not effect abnormal skin cell shedding or sebum production so they also have to be used together with other acne preparations. The doctor may prescribe other creams and lotions that normalize the skin shedding and decrease acne production. Sometimes you may be prescribed oral antibiotics such as erythromycin, tetracycline, doxycycline or minocycline.

If a woman has excess male hormone production, this can increase the amount of sebum that is produced. Certain birth control pills that are more estrogenic and less androgenic can decrease sebum production. Other medications may also be used if you have a tendency toward increased hair growth and male hormone type of excess.

Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in many of the over-the-counter acne topical treatments. It is an antibacterial agent effective against acne-causing bacteria and must be applied once or twice daily for several weeks before it has an effect. Salicylic acid is an ingredient found in many non prescription acne lotions, creams and pads, and it reduces abnormal shedding of the skin cells along the hair follicle. It does not effect sebum production or the acne causing bacteria. It does need to be used daily. Sulfur based soap is a good anti-bacterial soap that produces dry skin.
proactive is what jessica simpson uses and says it works. lay off greasy foods and chocolate, wash your face every night, don't touch your face often, and if you are going to have to touch your face wash your hands. talk to a dermatoligist and if it goes away make sure to use neosporin or some other product to fade the scars!

i hope this helps
Well the best treatments woudl be from a dermatologist... but the best over the counter stuff I have ever used is Nuetrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash. It's the only acne wash that I ever really thought worked.
stop eating greasy food
  • natural cleansing
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