Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is the better treatment for acne?

i used to work in an dermetologist's office and they had a i pledge program..which they treated acne patients...i saw people comming with their whole face full of bumps and pimples and cleared up within six months of the products given by the doctor...its called i pledge program ..the medicine they give is called accutane Amneesteen, Claravis or SotretWhat is the better treatment for acne?
It depends on your skin conditions and how bad your acne are, some methods below might be right for your acne :

1. Review your face-washing routine. Are you washing your face every morning and night? Are you using harsh soaps that irritate your skin? Make sure you are washing regularly but not stripping your skin of its natural oils and minerals.

2. Use a mild soap for washing your face. If you use harsh soaps, you can irritate your skin and make the acne worse. These kinds of soaps also strip your skin of its natural oils, which causes your skin to work overtime to produce more oils, which can lead to more acne.

3. Try taking Vitamin B-5 vitamin supplements. Many people swear that Vitamin B-5 helps regulate the body's oil-producing glands. A benefit to using Vitamin B-5 is that there are very few side-effects.

4. Try applying Tea Tree oil (essential oil) to your face. Tea Tree oil has been shown to be effective in treating acne for many people.

5. See a dermatologist. If you aren't able to solve your acne issues on your own, a dermatologist can help you decide the regiment that can work best for you. Some of the steps they may suggest are listed below.

6. Use an antibiotic. The dermatologist may prescribe an antibiotic to help clear up your face. If your dermatologist prescribes an antibiotic, make sure to use it as directed.

7. Use a topical cream. Your dermatologist may prescribe a topical cream for your face, such as Retin-A. These creams are designed to reduce acne, and have been shown to be effective in some people.

8. If none of these steps above work for you, talk to your dermatologist about using Accutane. Accutane is a very strong medication that can affect your liver and cause birth defects in an unborn baby. Because of this, use extreme caution if you go this route. Accutane is very effective in getting rid of acne.What is the better treatment for acne?
The best treatment for acne is any product with Benzoyl Peroxide 10%. Salicylic Acid Acne treatments only treat surface acne. Benzoyl Peroxide gets deep inside of your pores and treats the source.

Hope this helps!
You must have sensitive skin..Or otherwise proactiv may be too powerful for your skin. Basically any product that has the ingrediant Benzoyl Peroxide (5-10%) will work..

This is because Benzoyl Peroxide kills the bacteria at the source, and is an oxygenating, antioxidant properties.. Since it is oxygenating the bacteria finds it impossible to have an immunity to it..

I believe Proactiv is a waste of money.. I have found that using simple products or natural home remedies work the best. You just have to know the properties that the ingrediant do, so you can choose things that will work. Take honey for example, it is anti bacterial and lately i have been spreading warm honey on my face for 1-2 and hour every day.. It does work, but should not be used as the only source..

Products that I do recomend is Clean and Clear products.. Especially the one that says continuos control on it.. Do not use toners (because they are just simply acohol and you sound like you have sensitive skin)..

You should also use sacicylic acid products before using benzoyl peroxide products, as the acid will gently sanitize and rid the top layer of skin, therefore the peroxide can get to work..

Id say wash ur face twice a day, in the morning and before bed, but if you have oily skin then mid day..

Food and sleep does not play a role in acne, so you can eat as much chocolate and pizza you want..but healthy eating wont be bad

um hygiene is somewhat important, i.e wash your pillowcases often so hair oils wont sdpread to face and clog pores..and use a new towel reguarly..

and dont forget an oil free moisturizer to help keep ur skin clear. clean and clear also has a oxygenating moustizer, look for it at stores it comes in a blue bottle.. dry skin tends to be irritating and causes acne to become worst..

no matter what people say, acne is curable. good luck. ; )

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