Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Erythromycin acne topical treatment?

My doc prescribed erythromycin for my acne and also some erythrocin (i think thats how its spelled) pills to take twice a day. Unfortunetly the pills make me verrrrrry nasues even when i take it with food etc...so i have only been doing the topical erythromycin treatment for my skin. i dont have severe acne or anything, i would say i have moderate acne. ive been using the gel for about 5 or 6 weeks, and it seemed to work a little in the begining but now that i really look, it seems to look worse than it did before! my parents even asked me why my face was so broken out...should i stick with this treatment a little longer? or has it been long enough and is time to go back to the doc for something else?? any tips or advice on any other prescription meds that have worked well would be nice too...thank you!!Erythromycin acne topical treatment?
Chances are, the extra breakouts are an allergic rash. I get a rash like that if I use benzoyl peroxide. When I first started breaking out, I thought it was just more acne. So I used it more frequently until I figured out it wasn't acne bumps, it was just a rash. Talk to your dermatologist and see what he/she recommends instead of the erithromycin. While it is an antibiotic that most people don't have allergic reactions to, allergies are possible. (It's also possible that your acne has become inured to the antibiotic - that they no longer work on the bacteria that are causing your acne.) Either way, you'll need to talk to your doctor. Hopefully things will improve for you soon!Erythromycin acne topical treatment?
You should ask your doctor for a new medication. The gel in some cases is not enough and oral medication should be given. There are several antibiotics that are good for treating acne. Find one that does not give you side effects. Though nausea is not a sign of allergic reaction, try eating before you take it if you have not before.
You need to call your doctor and let him/her know that the pills are making you very nauseous even with food. You will need to start a different type of antibiotic instead. The antibiotics are great for resolving acne and should be used for acne treatment. Hope this helps.
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