Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What are common side effects of accutane treatment for acne for a 35 year old male ???

I'm not a male, but the same age,

Your lips will be so dry, you won't want to go out sometimes, but this will pass, and the other bad thing, well pretty much every oriface on your body dries up, so when I needed to have a bowel movement it really hurt, so my suggestion is that if you're not really regular, take some extra fibre, like Metamucil or something, because if you go a couple of days without a bowel movement, it will be very painful....What are common side effects of accutane treatment for acne for a 35 year old male ???
I'm ojn accutane and the side effects are skin sensitivity to light and REALLY dry lips. also sometimes there may be slight joint pain. But it's nothing to worry about. Just drink LOTS of water and use carmex ALOTWhat are common side effects of accutane treatment for acne for a 35 year old male ???
I was on it for a while when I was a kid. I noticed the same thing as the other guy, lots of water, and chapstick, good chapstick.

The other issue I noticed was being a little depressed, and not knowing why.
your face eventually will fall off?
* inflammation, dryness, or cracking of the lips;

* dry skin, dry mouth, dry or bleeding nose, dryness of the eyes and/or difficulty wearing contact lenses;

* itching; or

* increased sensitivity of the skin to the sun.

* an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives);

* changes in vision, blurred vision, or decreased vision (especially at night);

* painful or constant dryness of the eyes;

* depression including feelings of sadness, crying spells, irritability, changes in sleep patterns, unusual tiredness, trouble concentrating, loss of appetite, and/or suicidal thoughts or other mental problems;

* stomach, chest, or bowel pain;

* rectal bleeding, or severe or bloody diarrhea;

* difficulty or pain when swallowing;

* new or worsening heartburn;

* yellowing of the skin or eyes or persistently dark urine;

* severe headache or dizziness;

* seizures;

* nausea and vomiting;

* joint or muscle pain or bone problems;

* hearing problems or hearing loss;

* trouble breathing;

* fainting;

* increased thirst or urination;

* slurred speech or problems moving;

* leg swelling;

* increased levels of cholesterol or triglyceride (types of fat) in your blood (detected by blood tests).

I took Accutane for about a year. I think all the side effects are the same for a male and female. Although I had to take a pregnancy test every month in order to get the medicine (because it has SERIOUS birth defects). I also had dry skin, which is easy to fix with some good lotion, and I became really depressed when I was on it.

Good luck!
The symptoms a patient on Accutane can experience (as well as months or years after Accutane use) include abdominal bloating and pain; diarrhea or frequent, loose, or bloody stools. Some patients are misdiagnosed with mild ';irritable bowel syndrome'; and the connection is not often made with Accutane.

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